自生塾は自己探求型カウンセリングを提供しています。“Observe, Accept and Dialogue” (観察し、受け止め、語りかける)— DAO(ダオ)メソッド™ を基本に、自分に起きていることを、そのときに抱いた感情を起点に観察し、感情の源を自らケアして、新たな源を創造し、自分自身、自分に起きることを根本から変える一連の取り組みをお伝えします。
I am offering a Self-Quest based counseling which consists from observation, acceptance and dialogue.
Observe what is happening in you, feel the feelings and accept that they exist. Then go deeper inside to discover your pattern which produces your feelings. It is really by accepting and taking care of your pattern that you will truly evolve. Because at that moment,
you use your True-Self. Using your True-self is like training your muscle which you were not aware of.
In order to activate the True-Self, there is a work called a “dialogue”. Through this work, your True-Self will talk to your pattern.
Our daily life provides so many exercises for the Self-Quest. Because, a lot happens at home, at workplace, at store, at school, etc. right ? Let’s turn every incident into the exercises ! Observe what is happening in you. Feel it. Find and learn about your pattern and activate your True-Self to love your patterns.
仕事はとても面白く、大好きでしたが、途中、体調を崩して辞めています。ちょうどその頃に伊藤洋子先生( 「魂の道場」)に出会い、自身カウンセリングを受けながら、自らと向き合うことを学び、すべては自分の心の中であることをはじめて認識します。
以来、自分の視線の向かう先が、外側から内側へと変わり、日々自らの内側を探求しています。 最初の数年は自分がより楽に生きるために取り組んでいました。今はこれが日常になり、自己探求を求める方、魂の成長を求める方にお伝えしたいと思っています。探求歴は10年です。カウンセリングの資格は「魂の道場」の「カウンセラー養成講座」を受講し、2011年9月に修了し、自生塾も同時期に立ち上げました。
My name is Yoko Margaret Iwasaki. I currently reside in Tokyo, Japan. I was born in the United States and I have lived in France and in Lebanon.
After graduated from college, I enjoyed working as event planner, brand strategist, and brand creator. My job was interesting and exciting. I loved it so much. But, I began to have a terrible neck pain, which eventually led me to quit my job for a few years.
It was at that time that I encountered Ms. Yoko Ito, my master. Then I realized that I was not living my life at all. Always responding to others’ demand. Always wanting to please others. Just to get recognized that I exist. It was a huge discovery for me.
I’ve been practicing the Self-Quest since 2008. Certified as a counselor in 2011. I continue to study under Ms. Ito.